I am reorganising my business

One YEL insurance covers all self-employed work

YEL insurance is personal. One YEL insurance covers all self-employed work. Please notify us if you transfer to a new company to work as self-employed, or if the type of your company changes.

Please let us know of any changes to your entrepreneurial activities through Varma Online Service:

  • Apply for a change in your YEL income if your business sector, turnover or workload (working hours or seasonality) changes: YEL insurance > Insurance policy information > Apply for a change in your YEL income.
  • Provide the details of your new business (e.g. business ID, address, e-invoice address) if you want to receive invoices under the new business name in the future: YEL insurance > Insurance policy information > Invoice recipient > Edit.
  • If your personal email address changes, provide the new email address in Varma Online Service. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the page and select Personal details.

Log in to Varma Online Service

Are there changes to your holdings?

If you sell a share of your company, changes may also apply to pension insurance.

Read more about the various company types and the obligation to take out YEL insurance

TyEL insurance and changes in the company

Below you can find instructions on TyEL insurance-related actions to be taken when there are changes in the company. Please note that when there are changes to the company’s operations, changes to pension insurance concerning the company owners may also apply.

Corporate acquisitions and transfers of businesses

If you sell your entire business, your company’s TyEL insurance is terminated. Employees will be insured through the insurance policy of the party who acquired the business.

Terminate unnecessary TyEL insurance through the Varma Online Service

If you sell only a part of the business and your company will still have employees, your company’s TyEL insurance remains valid. The employees working in the business that was sold will be covered by the insurance policy of the party who acquired the business.

Change in the company type

TyEL insurance contracts are company-specific. If the business ID changes, you need to take out new TyEL insurance for the new business ID.

If you have a sole proprietorship and you transform it into a limited liability company, general partnership or limited partnership, end your old TyEL insurance through the Varma Online Service. Take out a new TyEL insurance policy for your employees.

If the business ID remains unchanged, no changes are made to TyEL insurance.

If you transform a limited partnership or general partnership to a limited liability company, TyEL insurance continues without any changes.

Take out new TyEL insurance

Terminate unnecessary TyEL insurance through the Varma Online Service


In the case of a company merger, it must be decided which is the acquiring company and which is the merging company. The acquiring company may also be a completely new company. The merging company’s TyEL insurance must be terminated. The employees are transferred to the acquiring company’s TyEL insurance. If the acquiring company has no insurance, it must take out new TyEL insurance.

The employee pension fund of a merging company is transferred to the acquiring company’s TyEL insurance.

Take out new TyEL insurance

Terminate unnecessary TyEL insurance through the Varma Online Service


If a limited liability company demerges into two or more companies, the demerged company’s TyEL insurance must be terminated. New TyEL insurance policies are taken out for the new companies. A limited liability company may also be only partly demerged. In this case, TyEL insurance for the remaining part of the company does not change. If employees transfer to the new company, new insurance is taken out for it.

The transfer of the employee pension fund of a demerging company is agreed on a case-by-case basis.

Take out new TyEL insurance

Terminate unnecessary TyEL insurance through the Varma Online Service