Pension taxation

Like other earned income, earnings-related pension is taxable income. Pension is taxed according to tax legislation and the Tax Administration’s guidelines. Since pensions are taxed differently than salaries, you will need a different tax card for your pension. Once you receive a pension decision, obtain a tax card for your pension as soon as possible.

Obtain a tax card for pension income when your pension begins

For pensions and rehabilitation allowance, we need a tax card, which you can order from the tax authority immediately after receiving the pension decision. The card must be valid from the start of the benefit. When you have ordered a tax card, the tax authorities will submit it directly to Varma.

If we have not received your pension income tax card when your pension begins, we will have to withhold 40% tax on your pension. If the amount of your pension increases by more than 20 euros, the tax on the increase is 40%.

We will refund any excess tax withheld from your pension as soon as possible after you have received the pension income tax card from the tax authority.

How to get a new tax card

  • From the MyTax service at
  • From the Finnish Tax Administration’s service number at 029 497 050 or
  • from a Finnish tax office.

The Tax Administration recommends that its customers primarily use the online service. When you order a tax card, the tax authorities will send it directly to Varma. 

To obtain a tax card, you are required to have:

  • a pension decision
  • information about your earnings at the start of the year, withholding tax and deductions.

Attend to your tax matters

  • If the amount of your pension changes for some reason other than the annual index adjustment, contact your local tax office to verify your tax rate.
  • If you wish to raise the tax percentage indicated by the tax authority, you can do that yourself in our online service. You can raise your tax percentage in Varma Online Service on the Messages and Documents page. Select “Raising the pension tax rate” as the subject of the message. You can inform us of the tax rate raise by calling the Pension Payment Services, tel. 010 192 100 (when calling from outside of Finland: +358 10 192 100). Our service hours are Monday–Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please notice, that you have to change the tax rate at least a week before a turn-of-the-month.
  • If you are working while drawing a pension, you must obtain a separate tax card for your employment.

Log in to Varma Online Service

Varma takes care of pension matters

  • Once your pension begins, we request a new tax rate from the tax authorities every year. If your pension begins on 1 November or 1 December, we will not receive the tax card for the following year automatically from the Tax Administration. Therefore, if you have retired late in the year, you need to order a new tax card for the pension for the following year as well.
  • We inform the Incomes Register about the pension payments you have received and the taxes that have been withheld on them.
  • If you live outside of Finland permanently and it has been 3 years since you left Finland, we will request a tax card for limited tax liability from the Finnish tax authorities for your pension.

Help with using our services

Take care of your pension matters online

In our online service, you can, for instance

  • order the employee pension card
  • send and receive messages and attachments
  • view decisions and documents in the electronic archive
  • update your contact details and raise your tax percentage.