I want information about the index increments

The pension system uses two indices: the wage coefficient and earnings-related pension index.

The wage coefficient and earnings-related pension index

  • When you retire and the amount of your pension is calculated, the wage coefficient is used to adjust wages and confirmed income for your working career to the level of the year when the pension starts. The wage coefficient ensures that the accrued pension retains its value relative to how earnings have developed.
  • During retirement, the earnings-related pension index protects your pension when prices and wages rise. The amount of your pension is adjusted each January on the basis of the earnings-related pension index.

Index increments for 2025

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will confirm the indices for 2025 by the end of October.

In October–November, after the indices have been confirmed for 2025, you can log in to Varma Online Service to calculate your estimated pension based on the new indices.

Read more about the index increments

Log in to Varma Online Service