Work ability management

In the midst of changing working life, looking after work ability and its sustainability is not easy. At Varma, we help you identify disability risks and prevent and manage them using well-targeted measures, and we help you find solutions to individual employees’ work ability issues. We offer research-based information and tools to increase competence related to work ability. We support you in a world that’s going through incredible change.

Understand – Know – Be aware – Support

What if the members of your work community better understood each other’s varying work ability cycles and when and how each person is at their best and what kind of support is needed in different situations? This understanding could help you work more smoothly both together and as individuals. Increased understanding could help all of us take better care of others, ourselves and our workplace.

Understand what sustainable work ability is and how it can be nurtured

Varma’s research activities, support from experts in building a strong work ability chain and Varma Academy courses are examples of how we can help you build a strong foundation for your organisation’s work ability. Varma Academy's content is mainly in Finnish.

Know your organisation’s work ability situation and individual cycles

We help you identify changes in work ability, set development targets and indicators and utilise data and analyses to ensure that work ability in your organisation remains at a good level in various cyclical stages.

Be aware of your work community’s situation so that you can act in time

Even early support does not always come early enough. That is why we have developed operating models and tools to help you get hold of work ability risks even before they lead to sick leave – including when the work is decentralised such that you do not see your employees very often.

Provide support in situations where work ability wavers

Not all factors that reduce work ability can be prevented. Our work ability experts are here to support you and help you find solutions, e.g. when an employee returns to work after a long period of sick leave or his/her work ability is permanently reduced.

What does ‘work ability cycle’ mean?

Work ability cycle refers to the variations in work ability on the individual level and in the work community in relation to the work and its development. These variations may be affected by, among other things, the working conditions, the work targets, the work community, health and factors outside the work. Work ability is retained when the work and changes in the work are in line with the individual’s professional development and resources.

Help with using our services

Take care of your work ability matters online

In our online service, you can, for instance

  • survey your organisation’s disability risks
  • examine data and analyses related to work ability
  • devise a work ability management plan of action
Log in to Varma Online Service